Keith Ferrazzi teaches you how to be outgoing. Although it is difficult to talk to people you don`t know, you might miss out on opportunities if you don`t. Only by reaching out to people, you will mee ...
Step1. Make sure you get your facts straight. Note down the dates, names, and numbers, what was said etc while talking over the phone. It is also essential that when you present your letter of complai ...
How to keep talking when you run out of things to say What do you do when you have run out of things to talk about. After you have talked about the weather and the great food on the table what do yo ...
When it comes to confidence you must first understand where you are confident and where you are not confident. The video talks about people asking how to get confidence. If you are asking that quest ...
Marie was asked by a viewer how to go about being more orally engaging with other people, as most attention he gets is attributed to the fact that he is very quiet, which doesn't sit well with him. Ju ...
If someone you love has fallen into a dark pit of addiction, you may need to hold an intervention.Oftentimes, an intervention is the best way to save someone's life. Addicts very rarely will admit tha ...
How to Write a Quality Complaint Letter Describe how the problem or issue makes you feel, so that the person reading the letter can relate on a personal level. Be sure to use proper grammar. Use sp ...
Marie Dubuque offers tips on keeping a conversation flowing and avoiding awkward silences. She suggests asking the other person about themselves. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and sometimes ...
Keith Ferrazzi offers suggestions on how to be more outgoing. It can be painful but it’s not as hard as it seems. Talking to people you don’t know can be frightening, but what is even worse is tha ...