Getting angry makes you look weak, especially in an argument. Defuse your temper with these helpful tips. Controlling your anger requires a desire to understand its source, and to take action to tamp ...
With information, diligence, and determination, hair pulling is a habit that can be broken.You Will Need* A journal* Determination* Ankle weights* A mental health professional* Internet access* Vitami ...
You can stop being lazy by using these tips to motivate yourself to find an interest in life.You Will Need* A journal* An alarm clock* Organizational skills* Goals* Exercise* Friends* Hypnotherapy (op ...
Tony Robbins is a megastar. He's on Oprah's level. And he is big. In fact, he has acromegaly: big hands and big head. 6 foot 7 inches tall. Invariably, he costs money to learn from. By selling his ad ...
Monserrat Morilles sure shook up Chile. She brought a whole new brand of street performance to the city's commuter trains. Her act: strip to a bikini and poledance in the middle of rush hour. Morilles ...
What would be cooler than showing up at your prom with a famous celebrity? It's a long shot, but here's your best chance to make it a reality. Step 1: Pick a celebrityPick a celebrity who might actual ...
Everyone's had one. It's how you deal with it that makes a difference.You Will Need* Maturity* Self-control Step 1: Don't beat yourself upKnow that your feelings are perfectly normal and nothing to be ...
If you have habits that are repetitive, time-consuming, and don't seem to make sense, and they interfere with daily functioning, you may have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Step 1Learn about the natur ...
Rumors, gossip, exclusion. Mean girls have a lot of weapons in their repertoire – here's how to combat all that nastiness. Step 1No matter how intimidated you may feel on the inside, do your best to e ...
Have you ever had someone make you feel better with a simple act of kindness? Now it's time to bank some good karma and make someone else's day.You Will Need* Compassion* Good intentions* A sweet idea ...