Hot Motivation & Self Help Posts
How To: Become a US citizen with a DUI on record
In this video, we learn how to become a US citizen with a DUI on record. The law says that in order for your to become a citizen, you must show good moral character for five years after your DUI. A DUI is not considered good moral character, but it does not make you ineligible. If you are under probation, then you will not be able to apply to be a US citizen. If you are NOT on probation, then you will have better chances of getting your citizenship. Good luck on your approval and make sure yo...
How To: Stop binge eating & get healthy
In this video, we learn how to stop binge eating & get healthy. Food often acts like a buffer that helps people overcome their emotions. If you are not eating enough during the day, you will be more likely to binge eat at night when your body is most craving nutrients. Late night and dinner time is when the cravings and the binge patterns most occur. When you eat more during the day you will not want to binge at night because your body doesn't crave anything. Don't skip breakfast and eat a go...
How To: Build up your self-esteem with feng shui at home
In this tutorial, we learn how to build up your self-esteem with feng shui at home. You can easily change the energy that is in your home to help it bring a more positive vibe to you and others who walk into it! A simple change can be made in even the hallway! If you just put down a beautiful desk with a candle, beautiful plant, and light painting above it you can transform your hallway. This will give you higher self-esteem and a better feeling about yourself as well. Do these little tricks ...
How To: Stop waiting for life to happen
In this tutorial, we learn how to stop waiting for life to happen. Do you want to meet a woman but you are too scared? Well don't be! You need to get out there and start living your life, not waiting around for something to happen. Once you stop waiting and get out there, you will be surprised at how many women want to meet you and date you. Get rid of your fear and start to become confident. Even if you're not confident, just say to yourself that you are and then you will become what you tel...
How To: Stop procrastinating to achieve your goals
In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating to achieve your goals. Procrastination is an avoidance behavior that can indicate a deeper psychological disorder. To get out of putting it off, make a schedule for yourself! Figure out how long it will take you to finish tasks and then put the time you need to do these on your calendar. Next, create accountability so someone will make sure you are keeping up on your tasks. Also, find meaning in the tasks that you need to do and make them...
How To: Divert your mind away from an anxiety attack
When you're experiencing an anxiety attack, there's almost nothing you can do to calm yourself down. At least, nothing that has worked for you yet. In this video, Chantilliscious offers up five of her tips for diversion tactics against anxiety. These are really simple tips, but when you're having an anxiety attack, the obvious is always elusive.
How To: Prepare for an anxiety situation to keep your cool
There are always certain situations that unnerve people. One of the biggest unnerving situations you may encounter is a job interview. The nervousness breaks out and you look like a total fool, but it's just the nerves. It happens. And why can't you control it? It's hard for some to keep their cool, but Chantilliscious offers up some advice on what she does to prepare for an anxiety-causing situation.
How To: Deal with school drama, rumors, bullying and peer pressure
In this video, you'll get some much needed advice for dealing with high school and middle school related issues as a girl. Every teenager deals with horrible issues with their peers, but women have harder times dealing with this problems. Here, you'll get some advice on things like school drama, rumors, sex, bullying, peer pressure, etc. Hopefully this will help you girls out.
How To: Use "tummeling" in conversational mechanics
Heather Gold teaches us how to use "tummeling" in conversation mechanics in this tutorial. When you are having a conversation with someone, you need to know that it is not all about you. You will need to appeal to other people's interests and shift from everything being about you to the other party involved in the conversation. When you are performing or speaking in a large group, you will want to talk like a realistic person and make sure you are not saying something that isn't interesting o...
How To: Answer medical school interview questions
Medical school, quite the undertaking! You've gotten the good grades and made sure your MCAT scores are good, but interviews aren't your strong suit, are they? Don't worry! In this great video, Dr. Robert Hasty goes over the in's and out's of the interview process for admissions board and what you can do to have the least amount of failure when going in for your interview.
How To: Overcome depression by increasing your intake of Vitamin D or UV light
Depression can come with physical symptoms - such as poor sleeping habits or aching joints. The theory explained in this video is that there is a relationship between the physical symptoms of an overactive immune system and depression. By supplementing a diet with Vitamin D and UV light, and thereby altering one's immune system, one can allieviate the symptoms of depression.
How To: Support a loved one trying to quit smoking
Smoking is proven to be unhealthy in a myriad of ways, but nicotine is a difficult addiction to overcome. Use these self-improvement tips (like offering incentives) to not only help your partner overcome the habit, but you might even improve your relationship!
How To: Moderate your thinking and control your emotions
It's terrible to feel trapped inside your own head and a prisoner of your thoughts. You can break out of destructive thought processes by taking responsibility for control of your own mind and body. Use meditiation and visualization techniques to improve your life.
How To: Deal with a boring day at the office
There he is, your boss wants ANOTHER TPS report, ugh, why do you even want to work this job anyways? And where's your red stapler!? Don't fret, turn your boring work day into a great one with these tips on how to brighten your mood and turn your boring work into something a little more exciting!
How To: Cope With The Death of a Loved One
The Funny Thing About Dying - A Story of Coping With Loss
How To: 10 Ways Your Brain Can Trip You Out (and How To Prevent It)
Ever feel like your brain is playing tricks on you? Well, that's because it is. Lifehacker has put together ten common weaknesses of the human mind, and how you can be beat them.
How To: Choose the Right Path
Choose the Right Path Making a choice
How To: Follow your dreams (a business motivational presentation)
Follow your dreams. That's the best advice anyone can give you, and Chief Ninja Padraig Hyland tells you just that with this motivational video.
How To: Deal with nicotine addiction
In this tutorial, we learn how to overcome nicotine addiction. If you set a goal for yourself, such as singing, you will notice that nicotine effects how you sing and can cause you not to be able to accomplish goals. When you stop smoking, you are going to realize that you have a deep addiction and you will have a hard time getting off of it. Next, you will need to figure out the best way for you to get off of the cigarettes. Also, make sure you have a support group around you that will help ...
How To: Deal with overwhelming anxiety & depression
In this tutorial, we learn how to deal with overwhelming anxiety and depression. Most people go through anxiety in their life, but just don't know how to deal with it properly, which is when it leads to depression. If you aren't the type of person to get diagnosed with prescription drugs, there are ways to deal with it on your own. A great way to help is to have a friend or someone that you can talk to, including maybe even a clinical psychologist. Another thing that helps is to write. You ca...
How To: Let go of your coffee addiction
In this tutorial, we learn who to let go of your coffee addiction with Natasha. Coffee may make you feel really good and like you can't get through the day without it. There is hope to get off of coffee and let go of the addiction you have. Think about how you want good things running through your body and you want natural energy, not energy you get from artificial products. Caffeine isn't good for your body and can damage you internally. Within a week of quitting coffee, you will start to fe...
How To: Live with quadriplegia
Living with quadriplegia requires a lot of adjustments. Physical therapy and occupational therapy are a necessity, after your physical condition has been stabilized. Physical therapy is necessary to regain and maintain as much coordination and strength and flexibility possible. The occupational therapy will teach you how to perform as many of your daily activities of living independently as possible. It is important to have emotional support. Attitude is important. You have to stay positive. ...
How To: Increase your personal productivity and get stuff done
In this video from Creative Tips, learn how to help increase your personal productivity and stop snoozing! As a freelancer, it is sometimes hard to remember to get up and going without a boss breathing down your neck. Follow these useful tips and stay productive throughout the entire day, even if you work from home. Make more money and see more success by following a few simple tips.
How To: Organize & manage your work emails better
In this Motivation & Self Help video tutorial you will learn how to organize & manage your work emails better. For many people, sorting through and managing emails is a real challenge. You will learn what to watch out for when you write an email. The nature of the emails you receive partly depends on the emails you send out. If you write vague or incomplete emails, you will not receive a reply or get the reaction you expected. You must follow these rules while writing emails. In the 'To' fiel...
How To: Improve your short-term memory with brain exercises
In this video, we learn how to improve short-term memory. There are many brain exercises that can help, that will jump start your abilities. Remember to focus your attention, take mental snapshots, and connect your snapshots with memory. This will help you not only remember different things, but it will also help you to connect pictures and different details along with it. Just small things like this while you are younger can help improve your short-term memory while you are both younger and ...
How To: Support a relative through substance abuse
In this tutorial, Dr. Coral Arvon tells us how to support a relative through substance abuse. If you have a loved one who is suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need to know that if they are using they are probably lying to you. If you are giving them money, they will most likely be using that for drugs or money. They will do anything to get what they want, including lie and manipulate. You need to try your best to get your loved one into a 12-step program or into a detox cen...
How To: Overcome shyness quickly
In this tutorial, Peter Murphy tells us how to overcome shyness. The first step to do this is to build an unstoppable self-confidence in ourselves. The second skill is to develop excellent communication skills. This isn't just being good at talking to other people, it's by learning to improve each and every day. If you put attention on becoming more confident, each day you will find that shyness becomes less of an issue for you. If you practice being more outgoing and meeting new people in di...
How To: Overcome social anxiety
Learn to take back control if social anxiety is getting in the way of your life. The first step is to take control of conversations at social functions by asking questions. This will help you to direct the conversation more and not feel like you have no control. Next, learn to always have an exit plan for any social function you might attend. Planning an exit strategy beforehand will help you to relax. Finally, be kind and loving to yourself. Don't beat yourself up and take the time to be mor...
How To: Boost your self confidence
Need more self-confidence! Listen up! Tired of not getting a raise, a date or more social invites? Self confidence plays a major impact on our social standing and our job performance. Work on these six suggestions from Daily Idea and you'll be amazed at the increase in how you feel about yourself.
How To: Gain confidence and build your self esteem
Boosting your self esteem can be difficult, especially if you are not a naturally confident person. In this tutorial, get some helpful advice from Quinson Thomas on how to improve your quality of life by upping your self esteem. Self confidence often makes all the difference when we meet new people and try new things. Did you know that just by appearing confident, you can control a whole room? You will look 1000 times more beautiful and successful, even if you don't feel that way inside, if y...
How To: Be more outgoing
Keith Ferrazzi teaches you how to be outgoing. Although it is difficult to talk to people you don`t know, you might miss out on opportunities if you don`t. Only by reaching out to people, you will meet them and they may get to know you enough to perhaps be of help to you in your carreer. You have to learn how to speak up. One way is to pick a role model in your social circle who is outgoing and watch how they behave and listen to what they say. Joining a Toastmasters group is also recommended...
How To: Write an effective letter of complaint
Step1. Make sure you get your facts straight. Note down the dates, names, and numbers, what was said etc while talking over the phone. It is also essential that when you present your letter of complaint that it is chalked full of facts so that when it reaches a decision maker you may get justice properly. Do not write a novel that is 30 pages. Keep it short and write in bullets. Remember that they are interested in facts only.
How To: Keep talking when you run out of things to say
How to keep talking when you run out of things to say
How To: Have more self confidence
When it comes to confidence you must first understand where you are confident and where you are not confident. The video talks about people asking how to get confidence. If you are asking that question then you must be aware of an area of your life you are not confident. Also there must be areas of your life that you are confident even if it is by yourself making a cup of tea. If you are just being you and not measuring yourself against something or someone else then chances are that you will...
How To: Be less quiet and more talkative
Marie was asked by a viewer how to go about being more orally engaging with other people, as most attention he gets is attributed to the fact that he is very quiet, which doesn't sit well with him. Just like anyone else, he would like to get attention for the things he says, not for being quiet! He is under the impression that "cramming," or being knowledgeable on current events and other trivia will give him more to talk about and thus help him to be more talkative. Marie suggests, though, t...
How To: Stage an intervention with Oprah & Jeff VanVonderen
If someone you love has fallen into a dark pit of addiction, you may need to hold an intervention. Oftentimes, an intervention is the best way to save someone's life. Addicts very rarely will admit that they have a problem and seek help on their own; they almost always need help.
How To: Write a complaint letter to get free stuff
How to Write a Quality Complaint Letter Describe how the problem or issue makes you feel, so that the person reading the letter can relate on a personal level.
How To: Keeping a conversation flowing
Marie Dubuque offers tips on keeping a conversation flowing and avoiding awkward silences. She suggests asking the other person about themselves. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and sometimes if you ask one question they go on and on. Ask about their favorite food, favorite restaurant, how they get along with relatives. Questions about in-laws can lead to some interesting dialog and can get the conversation going better than it was before.
How To: Be more outgoing
Keith Ferrazzi offers suggestions on how to be more outgoing. It can be painful but it’s not as hard as it seems. Talking to people you don’t know can be frightening, but what is even worse is that you miss out on opportunities to meet people. There are ways to learn to speak up.
How To: Instantly bond with anyone and persuade them
How to instantly bond with anyone and persuade them