Hot Motivation & Self Help How-Tos

How To: Look good in pictures with Carson Kressley

Many people suffer from camera-shyness, or a reluctance to have their pictures taken. The reasons vary; some people are generally insecure about their appearance, others feel that their pictures don't match the way they want to be shown. Carson Kressley, from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and How to Look Good Naked, offers the following advice: relax! Tight smiles, defensive body language, and insincere emotions can easily ruin a picture. Try to be spontaneous: if you want to smile, look at ...

How To: Gain self confidence with Craig Worrell

Craig is sharing about how to gain self confidence. Maybe you are feeling not very confident or you don't have a lot of self confidence. Maybe you would like to do some bigger or bolder things in your business or personal life. You can only get confidence from surviving the attempt. The only true way to get the confidence is by surviving the attempt. You cannot get it from a book or tape You have to make the attempt. You have to go out and do things, try things that you are not comfortable wi...

How To: Build confidence by remembering people's names

This video describes how build your confidence by remembering peoples' name. This Confidence Quickbite explains that a person's name is the sweetest sound to him/her and will make them feel special if you remember it. If you don't remember a person's name he/she may think that he/she is not important enough for you to care enough to remember. To remember names a simple trick is to say the name back to the person in conversation right after he/she tells you it. Then try to think of anybody els...

How To: Lift your spirits with feng shui in your home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to lift your spirits with feng shui in your home. First, find your focus room with your energy map. Lay the energy map on top of your home floor plan and see that the self knowledge area is in the lower left section of your home along the line of your front door. In this case, the self knowledge area is the bedroom closet. There's no hiding in feng shui. You can't throw stuff into a closet and hope that it won't affect you. Clutter clogs ...

How To: Build confidence by sharing your smile

This video is presented by Patricia Stark. The Patricia Stark says "smile and the whole world smiles with you". She goes onto say that smiling breaks the ice and can let people know your intentions. She mentions that body language experts state that people who do not smile are usually not confident and not prepared. The same studies show that people view those who smile as more intelligent. If you want to look confident and knowledgeable in your next presentation, make sure you smile! Patrici...

How To: Build confidence with anti-bacterial wipes

In general, this video is approximately one minute and eight seconds long. The host speaks about personal hygiene by using a small packet of antibacterial wipes. She generalizes the use of this product, which includes hand sanitation, cleanup, and emergency antibacterial use. She specifically speaks about deodorizing the underarms. She relates to the audience about forgetting to use deodorant and how using the antibacterial wipes will help fight bacterial body odor, but clearly states it won'...

How To: Get rich quick with feng shui at home

Feng shui helps to create positive energy at your home. It drives away the negative energy from your home. Eventually the people living in that home will get good thoughts. Thoughts make a person good or bad. Thoughts can make you rich or poor. You can change your life by making some simple changes at your home. This space lift can do wonders for you. In the energy map, wealth area is at the far left hand corner of the house. dry flowers bring negative energy and losses to your home. Therefor...

How To: Build confidence in the bedroom

Patricia Stark has helped to regain confidence in your bedroom she's not telling us how to be a Sex God or to sleep around she’s just helping us be confident about ourselves. She tells us to avoid thoughts about fatigue, looks and complexion about size and figure. People that cheat only do it to make themselves feel better.

How To: Build confidence by untangling a necklace or bracelet

In this video from Patricia Stark of Craving Confidence teaches how to build confidence by untangling a necklace or bracelet. She says that the last thing you need before a big meeting or interview or event when you are on the road is to be untangling a necklace. She recommends saving the tiny Ziploc bad that is used to carry extra buttons for clothes and clothing. Small plastic space seems to keep the jewelry from tangling to itself. You can also use them as small compartments from keeping t...

How To: Make raw cacao superfood dessert balls

It's super easy and super fun, anyone can do it. Ingredients: 1 cup carob, one cup cacao, 1 cup cashews, 1/4 cup hemp seeds, 1/2 cup coconut oil that is cold-pressed, 1 tablespoon spirulina, 1/3 cup of honey to start (you can add more in later for taste), pinch of sea salt (optional). Roll the finished balls in coconut. Add cashews into food processor until ground, crumbly powder. Add coconut oil and honey. After mixing, add in the rest of the ingredients. You can also add in cinnamon, cayenn...

How To: Stop getting overwhelmed

In this video from RawRadiantHealth Natasha talks to us about getting back to basics and not getting overwhelmed. A lot of times we can feel like we have too many responsibilities and we can get burnt out. Having a strong foundation and basics like getting enough sleep, eating your meals, your home is clean, you're taking care of yourself can really help you. When the foundation is a bit shaky these things can overwhelm us. If the basics are not taken care of the rest of your life can be a me...

How To: Stop procrastination by dealing with the facts

glemo teaches you how to stop procrastination. This is like termites eating at the foundation of a house. It eats you up inside and you need to learn self control and discipline. You have to discipline yourself to do the things you do now, or you will feel regret later. First off, you need to diagnose your problem and admit it. Think of your life or your activity as an onion. There are different layers and different components. You need to break your task into smaller ones. You have to trick ...

How To: Stop procrastinating by altering your daily routine

This video shows us how to stop procrastinating by altering your normal routine. One way – to start with – is to understand why you procrastinate at all. Some people think that what they do is going to be judged on who they are. Some people think that they have to do everything perfectly. One of the most important things that you can do is make a schedule and then stick to it. Also you can practice the ‘good enough’ principle – realizing that you don't have to do it perfectly and that you are...

How To: Build confidence by being organized & killing clutter

In this Craving Confidence video the instructor Patricia Stark talks about how to gain confidence. When your disorganized you are all over the place. You have trouble focusing on one thing because you see piles of more than one thing all around you. This clutter kills motivation by overwhelming you. Clutter makes you good stuff look bad. You cant see the quality and care for the finer things that you have invested in when they are all crammed in with all that stuff you collected over the year...

How To: Build confidence during pregnancy

For many women, pregnancy is a very vulnerable time, especially when it comes to the health of their child. Your body is changing on a constant basis and it can be hard to find confidence in the fact things will go well. You can learn through this video that you can be proactive in the process of ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Having a diet that is full of healthful foods is key to making sure your pregnancy is on the track to good health. Exercise and reducing stress are also touted as good s...

How To: Know the steps to becoming a US citizen

To become an American citizen you would first have to fill out an application, then take a naturalization examination. Providing that you have been a legal resident in the U.S. for more than five years, you would then have to appear at a court hearing. You have to be eighteen years old, have good moral character, and be loyal to the United States. You would need to know how to read, write, understand and speak the English language; and have a general knowledge of our country's history, our go...

How To: Stop overspending with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to stop overspending with feng shui at home. Feng shui is a great way to stop overspending and start saving. First, find your focus room by looking at your energy map. Lay your energy map over your home floor plan. The wealth area is in the far left hand corner of your home from the front door facing in. If your bathroom is in your wealth area, stop draining energy. Keep the toilet seat down. Plug any tubs or showers. Also, immediately re...

How To: Build confidence by eliminating negativity

In this video Patricia Stark shows how to boost confidence by eliminating negativity. There are a lot of things that you can do to boost your self confidence. If there is any negative people in your life you have to weed them out. Do not listen to their negativity. Everyone has their share of experiences and negativity is the way these people react to them. You need to have faith in yourself and the higher power. When you go home and practice a religion, no matter what religion, your life wil...

How To: Build confidence by removing deodorant stains

Patricia Stark with Craving Confidence discusses how to build confidence by removing deodorant stains. A clean makeup sponge can help clear deodorant stains off of dark colored materials, like dress shirts or little black dresses. The makeup sponge grips onto the deodorant trail and soaks it up. You can even dampen the makeup sponge if necessary. The rubber consistency of the makeup sponge won't break apart like a paper towel or leave lint like a wash cloth or a towel will. Makeup sponges are...

How To: Make room for love with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain, with Space Lift, demonstrates how to make room for love with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your floor plan. The love area is the far right corner from the front door, facing in. If the love area turns to be an outside area like a patio, clean it up. Remove the cacti and pointy plants to reduce arguments in the relationship. Clear out any unfinished materials and projects. Next, complete the area by...

How To: Build confidence with tips from professional athletes

This is a presentation of how to build up confidence on the red carpet. According to this interview section , being confidence is an important for any games or activities. And if you have talent, that’s the one thing which builds up your confidence. If you have talent and you are really confident about that talent then, you are really on the right track. Young persons can build up confidence by understanding and practicing their abilities. Among kids confidence can be build up by respecting p...

How To: Become a mentor

Mentoring is a way to help others and improve your community. There are established mentoring organizations to join or you can go seek out those already in your life who you can help with your time end knowledge.

How To: Build confidence by fixing hanger bumps on clothes

A quick fix is to wet your hands and put it in the bumps of the clothing or your lucky sweater. She explain as you wet the area were the bump is located, you should with your wet hand dab it until the surface is smooth, once this is done, grab a hair blower (any type of hair blower will be good) and with your wet hand dry is as you stroke it gently and see the bump disappear with this simple and shape way to make your cloth look a lot better.

How To: Quit Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco is a dangerous habit with many possibly negative effects on your health. Quitting can be difficult, but give yourself the best chance by having goals, plans, and support to keep you from relapsing.

How To: Give a speech

Giving a speech in front of a large crowd doesn't need to be the nightmare everyone imagines it to be. We speak to many people every day and yet it is still very common for a person to be nervous when delivering information in front of several people. This fear can be overcome by practicing how to give a speech and being prepared.

How To: Improve your memory as you age

This video by Good Housekeeping shows you how to improve your memory as you age. Follow these steps to improve your memory: Practice by paying attention. For example whether your husband was wearing a tie this morning, or what your friend ate for lunch. Organize information into smaller groups. Create a to-do list. Repeat the name of the person you just met. Play word recall quizzes, which can be found at Good Housekeeping.

How To: Stop the abuse of alcohol

Learn how to stop the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol can take you over physically and mentally, and it is one of the leading causes of death. Here are some steps you can take to begin quitting alcohol: Try to go cold turkey. If you can't go cold turkey, enlist the help of your friends or family to help you. Go to AA meetings or find a support group. Ask family and friends not to drink around you. Set some life goals. Try to be around different people and try new things to do. Seek professional hel...

How To: Increase your height through better posture

In this video HeightSecrets shows how you can actually grow taller. He explains how he has done research on how to make yourself taller. He starts off by explaining how changing your posture can add one to two inches instantly by just changing your posture. He then goes on to show exercises that can stretch you out a good bit. Not only does he talk about posture and exercise but he then goes on to tell you about how drinking plenty of water and resting can yield better results.

How To: Quit smoking using a pen cap

Tired of not being able to quit smoking? Have you tried everything but nothing works? Watch this life changing short video and learn the trick of quitting smoking by simply using a pen cap. Watch this video and listen to MAtt Jarbo's story on how he fought off smoking for ever. All you need is a BIG pen cap and you will be able to fight off the cravings of smoking. No other thing needed just follow his tricks and you will soon not smoke anymore.

How To: Pass any urine screening for THC

This video is a tutorial that gives very helpful tips to viewers on how to pass any urine screening THC test. Viewers will learn how to prepare for a THC test and how to successfully pass the test. This video is for those who are currently doing drugs. This video will benefit those who are doing drugs because it will allow users to avoid failing the test and any consequences for failing. Viewers learn helpful tips such as: do not eat before taking the test, drink water and exercise.

How To: Look taller by dressing better

This video gives you 6 surefire tips on how to look taller just by dressing better. 1. Change your diet. Eat better and healthier. 2. Change your hairstyle because certain hairstyles can make you look taller. 3. Wear long dresses and high heels. 4. Fix your posture. 5. Sleep. With adequate sleep you can grow taller.6. Exercise, you can increase your height in 2-3 weeks with exercise. Following these steps you can look taller in no time at all.

How To: Quit smoking by following some easy tips

In this video the author talks about the secrets of quitting smoking forever. there are basically four tips to achieve this result. The first is you need to keep your hands busy, so that you can avoid the desire to hold a cigarette. Similarly you also need to keep your mouth busy, by chewing gum or anything to draw your attention away from cigarettes. It also helps to keep a pack of cigarettes in your pocket all the time to continuously remind yourself that you have to stop smoking and there ...

How To: Make new guy friends

"The Social Man" answers a question about how to make quality friends with guys. He answers from his person experience and says that many times guys feel like they can't show weakness, and they try to act too cool, which comes across as trying to prove something. A guy who does that comes across as approval-seeking. He suggests not being competitive with other guys, and think about giving to other people instead. Guys shouldn't work so hard to get women that they don't let other men into thei...

How To: Deal with depression with Dr. Oz

Let Dr. Oz and Rozen show you how to deal with depression. Depression can affect how one feels about their body and their selves. See how your body deals with depression and responds to it. You can't will yourself out of depression, which isn't momentary it an actual disease. Learn how depression dulls even your immune system. Great steps to dealing with depression and options on how to reverse or deal with it. The doctors give you some statistical factual cures to help those suffering. Deal ...

How To: Quit smoking using the Swish Pattern

Put down that cigarette and save yourself your money (and even your life) with The Swish Pattern method! This can even be adapted to learn how to quit any of those bad habits like biting your nails or even be used to shed a few pounds. You first visualize yourself and what you do when before you indulge in your bad habit (called the queue image). Then you think about yourself free of that habit and how you wish you could be. Now when you get the urge to smoke/eat/etc... Make the ideal image "...

How To: Increase height by stretching

In this video the author shows how to increase height by stretching your body. There are various stretching methods that you can follow to strain the body and stretch it there by helping it to grow. There are various stretching exercise like the Cobra method where you lay down on the floor and try to stretch your body by shaping your body in the form of an arc. There is an another exercise called super cobra where you stretch the body in the opposite direction. There are also other stretching...

How To: Quit smoking cigarettes with meditation

Roy Masters demonstrates the hypnotic process behind effortlessly quitting smoking. He explains that if one can meditate and come to a conscious level of smoking, one can realize the harmful effects of smoking. One technique he employs is having a person take a puff on a cigarette but keep the smoke in their mouth. Becoming conscious of the fact that the smoke is poisonous makes it much harder to breathe in the smoke. By practicing this technique, one can effectively quit smoking.

How To: Quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy

This video shows you how to quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy. By chewing on something you can avoid smoking. Edarem uses sunflower seeds to keep his mouth chewing. He placed them in his pocket in place of his cigarettes. Anytime he needed a cigarette he would chew sunflower seeds. After 2 weeks he stopped smoking by doing this. You can also take 3 deep breaths anytime you feel the need for a cigarette. You should consider the price of cigarettes when quitting.