Hot Motivation & Self Help How-Tos

How To: Mingle

Learn how to mingle. If the idea of walking into a room full of strangers strikes fear into your heart… welcome to the club. But there are ways to overcome this common social phobia.

How To: Overcome speech anxiety

This video is about how to overcome speech anxiety. Anyone can be a calm speaker with these tips. You will need a video camera and time to rehearse. The first step is to tape yourself rehearsing your speech, so that if you feel you look foolish you can fix your mistakes. another step is to stand up a few moments before you take your stage that way your blood pressure can be regulated. Step 3 is to count backwards from 100 by 7 so that your left side of your brain works and turns off the right...

How To: Use NLP anchoring

Here is a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) anchoring technique to help you neutralize negative thoughts and emotions. NLP anchoring is a simple, yet safe and powerful tool for self improvement and growth.

How To: Become happier

Skip the pharmaceuticals and the endless scratch on win lottery tickets. Here are some concrete happiness boosters. You will need more sleep, the willingness to help others, a grateful attitude, strong social ties, an exercise program, fun plans, lowered expectations, and optional: spiritualism. Watch this video for advice on how to become happier.

How To: Increase your IQ up to 14 points

Anyone can boost their IQ—by as much as 14 points, research shows—just by following a few rules. You will need meat, fish or eggs, complex carbs, dark chocolate, small meals, food rich in B vitamins, brain teasers and aerobic exercise. Watch this video to learn how to eat Brain Food.. literally.

How To: Be an effective political dissident & protest

You’ve decided to protest an unjust political system or organization. Make the most impact with these tips. Protest with courage, communicate with exiles and know your rights. If you disagree with a political system, concentrate your beliefs and opinion. Study famous dissidents like Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

How To: Stop being jealous of your sibling

Whether you’re the family suck-up or the family, uh, screw-up, there are bound to be complications with your brother or sister. Relax, it's normal to feel resentment. Set your own goals & recognize your own successes and strengths. Find a hobby you can share where there is no competition involved. Sibling rivalry is normal - learn how to deal with it.

How To: Be a dumpster diving freegan

So you recycle your newspapers and plastics. Big deal. “Freegans” are trying to save the environment by living exclusively on stuff in your trash. Here’s how to join them. You will need a willingness to get dirty, a tolerance for eating food from the garbage, and a commitment never to buy anything new. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to dumpster dive and live like a freegan.

How To: Drop off the grid

Got a case of the Mondays? Why not blow off the cubicle life and try dropping out of society? Try living in nature, giving up worldly possessions, squatting, and rambling. Watch this video motivation tutorial and learn how to drop off the grid.

How To: Deal with & stand up to a bully

It’s scary, but you can learn how to stand up to a bully – and come out on top. You will need courage, wit, and even a bit of self-control. Bullies tend to pick on those who don't stand up for themselves, so being a little assertive helps. Find out how to stand up to a bully by watching this video self help tutorial.

How To: Improve your oral presentation skills

The ComCoachVideo Tutorial is an online learning environment designed to help students improve their oral presentation skills. The website contains video clips illustrating effective and ineffective public speaking practices, as well as an interactive feedback component designed to foster students' ability to critically evaluate presentation segments.

How To: Improve self disclosure

Self disclosure forms friendships with active listening and sharing, telling others about yourself, your thoughts, fears, and goals. Learn how to improve self disclosure and trust in this free communication video series.

How To: Prepare & Deliver a Eulogy

Eulogies are speeches or written acclaims of a person given mostly at funerals, but can celebrations of life. Get tips on preparing and giving a eulogy from a communications and public speaking expert in this free instructional video series.

How To: Give a funny speech

Would you like to be able to stand up at that next meeting or party and get your audience laughing? Learn how to give a funny speech from professional public speaker and communications instructor Tracy Goodwin in this free video series.

How To: Form a successful work group

Forming a successful work group is tough but a great way to complete tasks in a shorter amount of time. Learn how to get the most out of a work group from a communications and public speaking expert in this free instructional video series.